
Quality and Environmental Policy

   Our company, HAŞEP Veneer Industry and Trade Inc., which carries out the production for the Wood Veneer and Lumber Sector. With an approach and quality understanding sensitive to society, employees and the environment; It aims to serve with zero error and zero environmental accident by making its investments in people, knowledge and technology. At HAŞEP Wood Veneer & Lumber, it strives every day to reduce its impact on the environment. Our ultimate goal is to completely neutralize this footprint. This is a high priority for us.

With this belief;

    To comply with all legislation, administrative regulations, legal responsibilities and standards related to Environment and Quality,
    To consider the quality and environmental effects of the technology and auxiliary factors used and to take all necessary precautions,

    To provide a common perspective in accordance with our Quality and Environment requirements at all levels of the organization,
    To provide training and open communication opportunities to all its employees and suppliers,
    To provide quality and environmentally friendly services that meet the current and developing needs and expectations of its customers and to make the lives of its customers better,
    Working in cooperation and trust with its suppliers and customers with the win-win principle,
    To use energy and natural resources at the optimum level, to prevent pollution, to reduce waste and to ensure maximum recycling by separating at the source,
    To continuously improve and develop all processes and management systems applications, to be always open to development.
    It is committed to being an example with its sensitivity to the environment and society.

We have developed a sustainable business model in the light of achieving the above-mentioned commitments:

    First, we try to get wood from well-managed forests. In the field of coating, we control it with the Italian brands LEGNOQUATTRO and IPIR within the framework of our agreement or through an official certification body such as FSC ® .

    At the same time, we aim for CO²-neutral production. We use our waste wood in our drying ovens and cooking pools for process purposes.

    Finally, we produce products that have the least impact on the environment and can be easily recycled at the end of their life.





FSC Certificate



The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an independent organization established to improve the management of the world's forests. As of 2008, more than 100 million hectares of forest areas in 79 countries have been certified for compliance with FSC® standards. We carry out our productions within the chain of protection and custody with a special certificate for us.




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